Tune in each week at 11 AM (CET) to see the SYNQ platform in action

— Written by Ed Orozco — 1/26/2024

A centralized view for the status of incidents

We made it easier to see the status of issues and added support for sharded tables in BigQuery.

When solving issues, data teams struggle to answer these two questions reliably:

  1. Who is working on this?
  2. What’s the current status of this issue?

This leads to back-and-forths in Slack and wasted time.

This week, we are giving our customers a way to answer those questions quickly.

Who is working on this?

When you open an incident, you can see who was the last person to change the resolution status of a failure, what they changed it to, and when.

Who is working on this

You can see each failure’s resolution status and who changed it last.

Incident status

What’s the current status of this incident?

At the top of the screen, you’ll find a summary of the status of the incident.

Issue status

With these updates, it’s now easier to coordinate your team’s efforts to achieve faster resolution times and shorter downtimes.

Support for sharded tables in BigQuery

For customers that use Sharded tables in BigQuery (tables with a _YYYYMMDD suffix), Synq correctly recognises tables as shards and combines them into a single table. This avoids an explosion of assets. The tables are detected automatically and their monitoring metrics are merged. Row count is sum of all shards and last updated at is the timestamp of the update of any shard).