Data Lead at Lendinvest
Time to identify business-critical data issues reduced from weeks to minutes
Caught 10s of issues in near real-time, preventing business risk
Head of BI at Instabee
Business-critical issues detected in minutes instead of days
5-minute issue resolution times for most issues
Head of Data at Cazoo
Alerts from multiple warehouses routed to relevant teams
Reduced ongoing data issues by 75%
Analytics Engineer at Typeform
60% reduction in avg. Looker query runtime
20,000 lines of LookML code deprecated
Director of Data at Lunar
Unified data truth brought into one governed data platform
Ownership across 14 domains reduced unaddressed issues by 50%
Head of Analytics at Dext
FTE time tied up resolving data issues reduced by hundreds of hours
Data downtime reduced by 50% by enabling owners to be notified of errors instantly